
EFL Finals

  • 1
    This house, as Japan, supports a shift in Biden's foreign policy away from 'strategic ambiguity' regarding Taiwan
  • 2
    This house believes that it is in NATO's interest to reject Finland's and Sweden's applications to become member-states
  • 3
    This house believes that Southeast Asian nations should actively move towards the consolidation of a regional alliance at the expense of seeking stronger ties with non-regional allies (e.g. by forming closer intra-ASEAN defence ties, increasing ASEAN economic integration etc)
  • Grand Final

  • 1
    This house opposes the narrative that individuals should "see the best in others"
  • 2
    This house opposes the demonization of nihilism in society
  • 3
    This house would use the machine
  • Semifinals

  • 1
    This house, as Japan, supports a shift in Biden's foreign policy away from 'strategic ambiguity' regarding Taiwan
  • 2
    This house believes that it is in NATO's interest to reject Finland's and Sweden's applications to become member-states
  • 3
    This house believes that Southeast Asian nations should actively move towards the consolidation of a regional alliance at the expense of seeking stronger ties with non-regional allies (e.g. by forming closer intra-ASEAN defence ties, increasing ASEAN economic integration etc)
  • Quarterfinals

  • 1
    This house regrets the "quantitative turn" in the social sciences
  • 2
    This house prefers the holistic education model to systems of student choice
  • 3
    This house would allocate research funds to public universities purely on state-determined utility factors
  • Round 5

  • 1
    This house believes that feminist movements in the developing world should campaign to reject masculinity rather than hijack masculinity to serve feminist goals
  • 2
    This house, as a prominent female leader offered a position in a "Glass Cliff" situation, would choose to accept the position
  • 3
    This house, as a working mother of multiple children in an Asian country, would prioritize their resources for their most talented children as opposed to distributing resources equally
  • Round 4

  • 1
    This house regrets the "move fast, break things" philosophy of the tech sector.
  • 2
    This house supports the use of gamification in the workplace
  • 3
    This house would allow workers in managerial positions to unionize
  • Round 3

  • 1
    Assuming feasibility, this house believes that the state should fund the creation of, and access to, realistic androids that simulate romantic relationships
  • 2
    This house regrets the premium placed on unconditional love
  • 3
    This house, as feminists, support the trend of normalizing open relationships
  • Round 2

  • 1
    This house would abandon the narrative that the consequences of climate change are apocalyptic in nature
  • 2
    This house, as the environmental movement, supports pursuing criminalizing climate change denial
  • 3
    This house believes that environmental movements should frame the harms of climate change as primarily affecting the economy
  • Round 1

  • 1
    This house, as a youth activist, would prioritize working in civil society as opposed to within the government
  • 2
    This house would rank all charities based on their effectiveness and give tax breaks accordingly
  • 3
    This house would aggressively divert development aid from international organizations to local NGOs