
Grand Final

  • TH prefers the world Traffic to the Status Quo.
  • Semifinals

  • TH believes that developing nations should negotiate as a block (ASEAN, SAARC, AU, etc.) when negotiating trade deals with developed countries.
  • Quarterfinals

  • TH would require all marriages to stipulate specific expectations and obligations of spouses.
  • Round 4

  • TH regrets the Saudi-Iran normalisation deal.
  • Round 3

  • TH would choose to moonlight.
  • Round 2

  • TH regrets the rise of teenagers at the forefront of social movements (e.g. Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, the Parkland students).
  • Round 1

  • TH believes that developing countries should adopt economic development policies that heavily disincentivise urbanisation.