
Grandfinals U16

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Semifinals U16

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Finals U13

  • This House regrets the glorification of soldiers.
  • Semifinals U13

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Quarterfinals U16

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Octofinals U16

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Quarterfinals U13

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Octofinals U13

  • The motion for this round has not been released.
  • Round 4

  • THW significantly decrease the government budget for SMEs-only loans in exchange for increasing the budget to SME-targeted capacity-building programs
  • Round 3

  • This House Would grant aid to individuals directly over giving aid to governments and corporations.
  • Round 2

  • This House Opposes the glorification of e-sports.
  • Round 1

  • TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing local agendas over global ones. (e.g., focusing on local pollution rather than climate change)