
Am ams Finals

  • THW save the local Mayor as opposed to saving the boy.
  • Am ams Semifinals

  • "THR the narrative of finding ""the one"" * * “The one” narrative highlights the prominence of pursuing the perfect, ideal partner, often referred to as your soulmate or one true love."
  • Grand Final

  • This House Opposes the belief that "suffering is necessary for living a good life".
  • Semifinals

  • TH as PH, would change their political strategy to incorporate populist ideals (eg. PSM Ideas)
  • Round 4

  • This house, as environmental movements, would preach the concept of karma in environmental campaigns.
  • Round 3

  • Assuming feasibility, THW opt for the System.
  • Round 2

  • This House Regrets the Normalization of "Buy Now Pay Later" in the consumption habits of consumers.
  • Round 1

  • This house believes that "women from privileged backgrounds accepting any benefits arising from affirmative action programs" has done more harm than good.