THW ban the inclusion of political messaging in children's media
THO narratives that glorify the elders (e.g., the elders know best, the elders are more wise, etc.)
THBT the environmentalist movement should aggressively shame people who do not engage in environmentally friendly practices (e.g., leaving the lights on when they leave a room, eating meat, etc.)
Round 4
THP to have AI friends as opposed to friends in real life
Round 3
THP to be a single child as opposed to having siblings
Round 2
This House believes that individuals should promoting one's career at the expense of forming a family (i.e., settling down in a quiet town with your lover, as opposed to moving away for a better job and higher salary)
Round 1
THW ban zoos and aquariums
Info Slide
Zoos and aquariums are facilities in which animals are housed within enclosures cared for, displayed to the public, and in some cases bred for conservation purposes.