
Grand Final

  • THBT student unions should be independent from any political affiliations
  • Semifinals

  • THW hold parent companies liable for harms that resulted from the actions of their subsidiaries anywhere in their supply chain
  • Quarterfinals

  • THW give parents the right to edit their children’s genes during pregnancy
  • Pre Quarter Finals

  • THW ban political parties and require all candidates for national public office to seek election as independents
  • Round 4

  • This House would abolish primary and secondary school years that group children based on age, and instead group them by competency and intelligence
  • Round 3

  • THW allow unions to strike for economic interrests of workers in other workplaces (aka ‘solidarity strikes’)
  • Round 2

  • As opposed to financing green energy startups, this house believes that states should incentivize existing fossil fuel companies to adopt greener practices
  • Round 1

  • THBT states with ageing population should prioritise policies to increase natality over loosening immigration